Because your situation and needs will be unique, we tailor support around you. Below are some of the typical services we provide as well as information on payment, travel area and more.

In-Home One-on-One Visit

  • Our first visit is 1 to 2 hours and ranges between $225-$295 (depending on location)
  • Additional hours are $100 (Fractions are offered in $50/30 min. blocks)

Phone Call Consultations

First 10 minutes free, then $25 every 15 minutes.

Prenatal Classes

Held the first Monday of every month at a San Carlos or Redwood City doctor’s office. Class is from 7-9:30pm and costs $60. Partners are encouraged to join for an additional $30. To register, send an email to with your due date, OB/Gyn/Midwife name, partner’s name (if attending), and phone number. You’ll get a confirmation that you’re registered via email and a reminder as the class date draws near.

We also offer a private in-home breastfeeding class for 2-2.5 hours. The cost is $295. You are free to invite family and friends to join in on the class - anyone who is going to be a part of your support network. There is no limit to the class size, but generally keeping it under 8 people makes for a more manageable class. To schedule, email a few optimal dates and times to

Insurance Coverage

Some insurers cover services by IBCLCs, while others do not. We require private pay for all appointments, but we do provide an insurance form to apply for reimbursement from your insurance company. If your insurer rejects the claim, you can typically use Flexible Spending and Health Savings Accounts to reimburse you for lactation services.

Fees and Payments

Payment is required at the time of your visit. We accept cash, check or credit cards. You’ll receive an invoice and an insurance reimbursement form for all visits.


We are based in San Carlos and travel to the greater part of the Peninsula and Coast.


If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please do so by phone, with as much time as possible. Appointments cancelled within 24 hours of your scheduled time will be charged 50% of the rate.